Wednesday, December 8, 2010

End Of 2010 Survey

8Found @ The Perpetual Page Turner

A lot of my answers won't be books that came out in 2010.

1. Best book of 2010?
Oh there are too many...Wilthorne, Crazy, The Twin's Daughter. I can't really pick one. There were really too many great reads this year and that's just in the YA genre.
2. Worst book of 2010?
Tanith Lee's Darkness, I. I started it in May or June and I haven't been able to finish it yet. I have very few books that I've abandoned, but this is one of them.
3. Most Disappointing Book of 2010?
Karen Robard's Green Eyes. I had heard so much about her writing and this book didn't quite live up to the expectations I had. I've read other books of hers since that were so much better.
4. Most surprising (in a good way!) book of 2010?
Leona Bodie - Shadow Cay: I didn't really expect to like this thriller quite as much as I did. It really had a great set of storylines and the characters were intriguing!
5. Book you recommended to people most in 2010?
I recommended Kris Radish's Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral to just about anyone I knew who reads. I loved this books so very much.
6. Best series you discovered in 2010?
Warriors by Erin Hunter. My sister turned me onto this YA series...its on the same level as The Owls of G'ahool. I love the cats and the books are quick and fantastic reads.

7. Favorite new authors you discovered in 2010?
Emma Michaels, Kris Radish, Marta Perry

8. Most hilarious read of 2010?
Jen Lancaster's My Fair Lazy. It isn't as funny as her other books, but trust me, it is good for lots of laughs. Another is Olivia Debelle Byrd's Miss Hildreth Wore Brown.

9. Most thrilling, unputdownable book in 2010?
Nick Hornby's Juliet Naked. Not thrilling but definitely unputdownable! All his books are that way.
10. Book you most anticipated in 2010?
Jen Lancaster's My Fair Lazy. Her books are on my pre-order list

11. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2010?
The Thirteenth Chime (A Sense of Truth)

This cover is just stunning.

12. Most memorable character in 2010?
Lousia Cosgrove from Jane Eagland's Wildthorne. The stuff that girl had to go through to get free from the asylum, when she wasn't insane! This has to be one of my favorite books of the year too.

The Wednesday Letters13. Most beautifully written book in 2010?
Vanetta Chapman's A Simple Amish Christmas, which was a gorgeous love story.
14. Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2010?
Jason F. Wright's The Wednesday Letters. There is just something so very beautiful about this story and about the love shared by the characters. I wept through most of this book, but I am a wuss, so that has to be taken into consideration.
15. Book you can't believe you waited UNTIL 2010 to finally read?
Twilight and New Moon: Truthfully I can't believe I actually caved and actually started this series. As much as I like vampires and paranormal and romance, this series does little for me, other than aggravate me. However, having read the first two books, I will finish the series, because I'm crazy like that.


1. Anonymous said...

I love The Wednesday Letters!! I read it last year (in 2009) and want to re-read it.

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