Monday, December 27, 2010

I Won A Book!

I'm all giddy! I won a book on Goodreads!

It has been awhile since I've won anything anywhere, so when the email showed up this morning, I was super excited!

Better yet, it is an anthology of Amish stories!

Woo hoo!

So what book did I win?

This one!

An Amish Love: Healing Hearts/What the Heart Sees/A Marriage of the Heart (Inspirational Amish Anthology


1. Aleksandra said...

Congrats :) I'm always giddy when I win a book :)

2. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Cool! :) I haven't won a book on GoodReads for a few months now.

3. Julie said...

Congrats! I love anthologies! And I have an Amish fiction book on my Kindle for PC app; I really need to get to it! :)

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