Sunday, December 26, 2010

Better Reading Ahead?

This last week has been super crazy. I think I've only read one book in the last 7 days, but with my dad in the hospital, and the holidays and him coming home with oxygen, things have been more than a little hectic.

I'm hoping that my life calms down a bit this week.

I miss my books.

And I've got so much to read.

All I want to do is curl up somewhere warm with my comforter and a good book and just read for hours.

Oh and I've got a $25.00 Barnes and Noble gift card burning a hole in my pocket to spent..hopefully on a light for my Nook and a book.

Hope everyone had a great holiday!


1. Jean-Luc Picard said...

I've vgot a book token to use up as well!

2. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I hope your Dad makes a siwft recovery.

It's only now that it's between Christmas & New Year that I'm managing to get some reading done... I haven't managed tog et much reading done for the first half of the month.

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