Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Love Amish Fiction

I spent many vacations in Lancaster County, PA so it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise that I really love Amish fiction. But what really surprised me was that I hadn't read any until this year when I found A Simple Amish Christmas by Venetta Chapman on NetGalley.  After that  I had to find more books in that genre.

Some of my new favorite authors in this genre are Marta Perry (she writes a little romance and some light suspense), Beverly Lewis (a true master of the genre) and Wanda Brunstetter.

What I love about these books is how they really take the reader into the Amish culture, which is so vastly different from the way the rest of the world lives. I feel like I can understand these people better for having read these books.

Of course, these books fall under "Christian fiction" which is not usually a genre I read, but with the Amish, you really have to take into account their faith.

I'm really glad I took a chance and read Venetta's book. It really opened my eyes to a new genre that I've really fallen in love with.


1. Anonymous said...

I read Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult and was facinated by the Amish culture. Maybe I will pick some of these up, thanks for the suggestion!

2. Vannetta Chapman said...

I'm glad you liked A SIMPLE AMISH CHRISTMAS so much. You were actually one of my first readers. : ) BTW, coming up next is Falling to Pieces, A Quilt Shop Murder - also an Amish book, but this one is an Amish cozy mystery set in Shipshewana, Indiana. Fun!

3. Ann Summerville said...

Great post. I'm collecting Christmas novels to read next year and will put A Simple Amish Christmas on the list.

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