The best part of the story is the beginning, when she goes on the blind date with the neurosurgeon. All the things that went wrong just made it so much more funny. But once the funny wore off, the story sort of hung there waiting for what was going to happen next to happen, and it didn't seem to be happening fast enough.
It was also hard dealing with the way he initially treated Felicity. The good Doctor had no people skills whatsoever and yet they both seem drawn to each other. And even though Felicity seems to be his bad luck charm, they end up in bed. Huh?
The secondary story, of Dennis and his dad Carl tries to help the story along but it really doesn't succeed well. You only feel sorry for the single father who is being subtly accused of abusing his child, when the kid is "actually" accident prone.
Its not all bad. Steven's temper actually makes for some humorous scenes, especially over the bicycle that he ran over and at the end of the story before they get their happily ever after, so it wasn't all bad, I just thought it could have been so much better.
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