I borrowed...erm stole this idea from
Bite Club.
What I'm reading:
Jen Lancaster's My Fair Lazy is one of my two current reads. Its her memoir on trying to gain some culture in her life, even though she's a reality TV junkie. Its amusing so far, but not as funny as her previous books. If I'm lucky, I'll finish it this weekend.

The second book I'm reading, and lord knows I don't know why I have two books going at the same time is Debra Lee Brown's Gold Rush Bride. Its about an Irish woman who comes to California to claim her inheritance from her father only to learn she needs to be married to run the business. She enters a convenient marriage with trapper Will Crockett. I'm not sure why she's so keen on returning to Ireland, as she's not likely to get more than her passage back for the store, and her family is seeped in debt. Though that has me a bit confused, I'm really enjoying this one.
What I'm Watching:Doctor Who: Series 5: I'm loving the new doctor and his companion. This has been a wickedly awesome series so far!
Ashes To Ashes: I want to go all leg humpy on Gene Hunt. I love his bad boy image. I would so toss back a couple of pints with him and snog him silly.
My TBR:Here are some of the reads I hope to get to in the coming weeks...months..uh..
Tanith Lee - Darkness I
Jackie Collins - Hollywood Wives The Next Generation
Michele Hauf - Her Vampire Husband
I don't mind that you borrowed the idea! I'm sure at some point I snagged it from someplace on the blog roll. It's all about sharing...ideas, books, movies, time, smiles.
Good luck with your blogging adventures.
Her Vampire Husband is definitely worth the read! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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