Title: King Of The Desert, Captive Bride
Publisher: Harlequin Presents 2725
Mini-series The Desert Kings
Publish Date: May 2008
Rating: 4 stars
Jane Porter's King Of The Desert, Captive Bride, is probably one of the best Presents novels I've read. The story revolves around Sheikh Khalid Fehr and Olivia Morse. Olivia is imprisoned in Jabar for smuggling drugs into the country. Thanks to a plea from her brother, Khalid manages to get her out of the prison but not without consequences. He has to marry her.
Khalid is not your typical Presents hero. He's not super arrogant. He's not nasty. In fact, Khalid is the kind of hero, most women dream about. He comes and rescues a damsel in distress.
Olivia is the one that the reader begins to feel frustrated with as the story progresses. Khalid is buying her fabulous clothes and doing his best to make her comfortable and she's fighting him at every chance. Oh and did I mention the guy rescued her from what would likely have been a death sentence in a foreign prison?
There are definitely a few times when the reader is left longing to shake some sense into Livy. Especially when Khalid follows the old adage, if you love someone set them free, down to the letter.
Once again, its thanks to her brother's intervention that she gets her happily ever after.
This is definitely a Presents for the keeper shelf.
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