I read a lot last week:
Sabina Clark - An Artful Lady A fun regency romance from the old Second Chance At Love line
Kimberly Raye - 'Til We Meet Again A fast paced paranormal romance from Silhouette Shadows
Ruth McCarthy Sears - The Encounter A cute if not ancient Candlelight Romance, very fun to read even though it was pretty dated
Jane Porter - King Of The Desert, Captive Bride An excellent novel from the Presents line. I generally don't care for this line because the heroes are too arrogant, but this one was really great
What I'm reading this week

You had a great reading week!
The Silence in the Library :)
Good one :)
Happy reading!!!
It looks like you've been reading a great selection of books :o) I know exactly what you mean about out of control TBR piles - I'm desperately trying to hold off on buying any books until I get caught up a bit LOL. My house is a bit like Silence in the Library too but I wish David Tennant was in residence hehe
I like The Silence in the Library comment. I agree with that one sometimes in my own place.
Have a good reading week!
You did read a lot! I need a week like that! :)
Have a good one!
My TBR pile is out of control too. I always say I'm going to start on it, when a newer, shinier book calls my name and I just add to the stack. Good luck with your readings! :)
Such a Pretty Fat sounds like a great read -- enjoy!
Tanith Lee's name keeps coming up around me. I've never read her stuff but looks like I'll have to soon.
An Artful Lady sounds like one I would enjoy.
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