Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't You Hate It

When you end up getting 2 copies of the same book?

Every year, I order the Harlequin Christmas collections, because I love Christmas stories. I can't get enough of them! I get the Harlequin Romance Collection of books by Mira and HQN and this month they had Heather Graham's Home In Time For Christmas which was out in hard cover last year.

So I now have two copies of the book and I don't know what to do. Plus I'm a little aggravated that I had to pay for the same book twice.

That annoys me, especially when there are so many other books released by these lines.

At least it isn't part of the Christmas series of books again, because I've put my order in for those 16 books.


1. Unknown said...

Oh my god, I'd lose my mind if a book club sent me same book twice. Was it at least a good story?

2. Savannah said...

Why don't you do a giveaway? Thats works when it happens to me.

3. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Giveaway or gift it to a friend?

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