Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Question

I haven't finished any books since yesterday, and I'm all caught up on reviews, so the only thing I can post is an meme! This meme comes from Cleverly Inked

Do you judge a book by it's cover? If so which is your favorite?

I'm a firm believer that anyone that answers this question with a no, is a downright liar. Unless it is an author that I'm totally familiar, and in love with, the first thing that draws me to a book is the cover. There is no question about it.

I'm also a lover of romance novels, so there's always a lot of really impressive, sexy covers, the better the cover the more likely I am to flip it over to read the blurb. The blurb is what sells the book.

I don't think I have a favorite. I love a lot of covers.


1. Sanna said...

Hey! Thanks for posting about the challenge. I'd like to answer your question: I never by a book because of the cover. I totally trust the reviews you and fellow bloggers do. I also trust the amazon reviews, which often tell me more than a cover.

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