Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday #4

This is an meme from The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers.

Top Ten Fictional Crushes

1.  Erik from The Phantom of the Opera  I was never a fan of Raoul in the musical or the book. I always wanted Christine to realize she loved Erik.

2. Ron Weasley from Harry Potter. What can I say? I'm a sucker for red heads!

3. Joe Morelli and Ranger from Stephanie Plum: Seriously! These guys are sexy...and from what I've seen with the casting...the screen versions will be sexy as well.

4. Nicholas Brisbane  from The Lady Grey Mysteries: There's something really sexy about Lady Julia's husband. Maybe it's his gypsy blood, and maybe its because he's an investigator.

5. Roux from Chocolat: another faboulous gypsy. I wonder if I would have pictured him as Johnny Depp had I not seen the film before reading the book.

6.  Dick Driver from Tender Is the Night: I remember adoring this character when I read the book in high school

7. Will Lightman from About a Boy: Hugh Grant was perfect casting for this part. No joke. He was exactly how I pictured Will.

8. Moist Von Lipwig  from Going Postal  and Making Money : I love this character and the when they cast Richard Coyle in the part...my life was complete. I went from crushing on this character to falling hopelessly in love with this character.

9. Ethan from The Haunting: How can you not love a sexy civil war ghost?

10. Luke  from Her Sexy Valentine: I loved the hero in Stephanie Bond's Valentine's Day Blaze. I would've run off with him myself if I could have


1. Jen said...

I am not familiar with any of your fictional crushes! I guess I have lots of reading to do!

Thanks for participating this week! :)

2. brandileigh2003 said...

Nice list!

Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

3. Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Yeah...thanks for giving both Joe and Ranger a nod...I did the same :)

Gypsy...Johnny Depp...? sounds like a book I need to read...:):)I have not seen the movie.

4. Library Gal @Lost in the Library said...

I forgot about Roux- totally crushworthy

5. Sugar and Snark said...

I love that your have Ron on your list :)

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