Sunday, October 10, 2010

New To My Bookshelf

I'm breaking away from the mold of In My Mailbox. Instead, I'm going to tell you what new books have come into my life in the past week or in this case, because I've been very busy and very lazy, the last two weeks.

I'm still basking in the wonderfulness that is the lending library at the YMCA in my area. My sister also gave me the first 6 books in the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. I was told I have to read these kids books because they are great. I just need to find time to fit them in.

My monthly harlequin shipments are in here as well. Lots of books. I left off the 3 cookbooks I've bought in the last weeks because they were too awkward to put in the photo. That said I found some Taste Of Home and Quick Cooking annuals from 1999 - 2001 that we didn't have and a local cookbook from Apple Creek, OH. Good stuff and lots of it!


1. Savannah said...

Glad to see some difference besides IMM. Great new books you got :)

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