Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

  From Sheila @ Book Journey.

This is the meme where we discuss what we've read in the past week and what we plan to read in the coming week.

I haven't done this meme in ages, mostly because my life has been really hectic on Mondays lately.

Last Week's Reading

Hope Tarr - A Rogue's Pleasure
Marta Perry - Leah's Choice
Stacey Kade - The Ghost & The Goth

Now here comes the fun part...

What I'm Reading Now


I'm not sure I plan on reading anything other than these three. Between writing reviews for my freelance job and trying to get to the YMCA most every night for at least an hour, cuts into my reading time. It doesn't help matters that the Y has that awesome lending library that I use more than I should.


1. Nise' said...

Enjoy your reading week. I am looking forward to the Lady Grey book too!

2. Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Dark Road to Darjeeling has a wonderful cover! Have a super week!

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