Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Addicted

I'm sure you've all notice that I've been reading a lot of the Warrior Cats books by Erin Hunter. I'm truly addicted to these books. My sister read them first and then passed them on to me.

Once I read the first one, I couldn't stop.

I haven't been reading much else, besides these books. I'm up to book 5 of the first series of 6.

They aren't even really in my comfort zone.

Yes, I love cats...but Warrior Cats?

I'm more a fan of fat lazy cats, or kittypets as Hunter calls the cats that live with Twolegs (Humans)

Oh and when it comes to crazy quizzes about the kittehs?


1. Unknown said...

same here!

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs