Sunday, October 17, 2010

Never Say Never

The Host: A Novel
Earlier this week I said that I would never ever ever read this book.

Well, I lied.

I was at the YMCA today and someone had left a copy at the lending library and I brought it home.

I think this is a curiousity thing.

I've read Twilight and New Moon and I was totally  underwhelmed by the writing in both, yet oddly I can understand their appeal.

So most likely this is going to be my book project this week.

Reading The Host.

Hopefully some of you that have read this one will come back and discuss it with me when I post my review.


1. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I haven't read any of them, but I hope you enjoy it.

2. Sugar and Snark said...

I loved the host! I hope you do too :)

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