Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday #5

This is an meme from The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers.

Top Ten Books for Halloween

1. The Phantom Of The Opera:  This is a really great gothic horror romance. Not quite as scary as Dracula, but still a great Halloween read. Plus Erik (The Phantom) is one of my favorite characters of all time.

2. Dracula: This is "the" vampire book. All other vampires pale beneath him...or sparkle...and can I just say again, VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE!!!!!!

3. It: As if clowns weren't scary enough, Stephen King makes them more terrifying. Actually any classic Stephen King novel will do here.

4. R.L. Stine's Fear Street Series:  A Tween Series yes, but still quite scary.

5. John Saul - Suffer The Children:  No joke, this one gave me nightmares!

6. My Sweet Audrina: V.C. Andrews written by V.C. Andrews = creepy. Anything ghost written is horrid and a discredit to her wacky writing.

7.  Clive Barker - The Damnation Game: This was one of the first horror novels I read back between high school and college. Clive writes some pretty scary stuff.

8. Coraline: Its kids creepy care of Neil Gaiman...The Graveyard Book is another good kid's story.

9. Heck: Where The Bad Kids Go: Not really scary..but it is about the many circles of Heck!

10. Interview With The Vampire: Best vampire fiction aside from Dracula!! No sparkles!!!


1. Lover Of Romance said...

Good list!!! I think my favorite is Phantom of the Opera though!!!

2. Straylights said...

I have not read Phantom of the Opera yet but I do plan on it in the near future!

Coraline also made my list!

My Top Ten

3. Sugar and Snark said...

Dracula also made my list!

4. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've never read her, but I know lots of people who love V.C. Andrews.

Here's my list:

5. La Coccinelle said...

Coraline made my list, too. It's a perfect Halloween book!

6. Emily said...

How could I have forgotten Phantom of the Opera?! It is definitely an awesome Gothic story, and unlike the movie it's legitimately creepy.

I am totally with you about the vampires. They do not sparkle!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

- Emily @ Reading While Female

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