Monday, March 7, 2011

Reading Slump

I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't seem to keep focused on any of my reading lately. Last week was crazy, because dad was in the hospital, and you really can't focus when you are concerned about someone you loves health.

He's been home since Friday afternoon and I still can't focus on anything on my TBR pile, be it the physical one or the ebook one.

Both are getting pretty big at this point.

I think I need a nice fluffy romance novel, if only I could finish the two books that I have started.

What do you guys do when you get into a reading slump?


1. Rex Robot Reviews said...

I am so sorry you're in a reading slump! And I hope all is well with your father, I know that can be stressful. Hopefully everything is getting back to normal :)

I usually have to force myself to finish a book when I am in a slump... or I read a book I know I'm going to love. And it has to be light and fluffy just like you said :)

2. Jamie said...

I hope your dad's feeling better!

I take a break, it normally means I'm burning myself out reading-wise. But that's just me, I tend to push myself to read at times because I have such a gigantic TBR

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