Do you prefer reading current books? Or older ones? Or outright old ones? (As in, yes, there’s a difference between a book from 10 years ago and, say, Charles Dickens or Plato.)
I have to say that I have no real preference as long as the story is a good one. I certainly read my share of current fiction, but I have been reading some older books, thanks to those boxes I found in my basement as well as finding some authors that have been around that haven't read. I also enjoy reading classic literature, and this summer I'm trying to read some of the books I've wanted to read for awhile. I will say that more contemporary fiction is easier to read, but that's really a different matter all together.
I agree with you that a good story is a good story, no matter when its published.
My frustration stems when it comes to series of books. I dislike it when a new installment of a series comes out, but the earlier volumes don't come back into print or aren't easily accessible. (I'm thinking of the current book by Elizabeth Moon as the first candidate the springs to mind. It's a new entry in an older universe but I'd like to read the older stories first...I'm odd, I guess).
I am hoping that e-book movement might help keep this from not happening as much since the cost factor of keeping books in print would be less. If there's no cost for printing the book and it's only a file on a server, it might be helpful.
It always takes me a long time to get around to a book, even if it is a good story.
And I agree with Nashville -- if I find a new book in a series, I like to go back and start at the beginning.
Here is my answer on Rose City Reader.
I tend to love current best sellers but will read whatever interests me no matter the age of the book.
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