I've been picking some real stinkers out of the box of books I found in the basement. Series romance has definitely changed for the better in the last 30 years, that's for sure. I'm a little bit burned out on them and as soon as I finish the next Silhouette Romance (I really need to quit those, the old ones are really not so good) I want to move on to something, hopefully more entertaining. That's where I hope you guys can help me.
Here are three books from my TBR pile. Read the blurbs and leave a comment to let me know which book you think I should read.

The scholarly Harry Fleming, earl of Graystone, prizes loyalty above all else. A former spy, he is haunted by his failure to nab a traitor known as the Spider. Furthermore, his wife was "a lying, deceitful, falsehearted bitch." Now a widower, Harry's in the market for a second wife. He has selected as his bride Augusta Ballinger, a reckless but steadfastly loyal woman, and knowing she will balk, he persuades her guardian to present the engagement to her as a fait accompli. Despite her attraction to Henry, Augusta is indeed convinced that a free spirit doesn't belong with a stick-in-the-mud scholar. But the marriage proceeds, and as Harry tries to fashion a proper wife out of Augusta, he begins to believe that a document linked to the suspicious death of her brother two years earlier may offer a clue to the identity of the elusive Spider.

Spritely, auburn-haired Letty Pringle had been forbidden by her hell-and-brimstone preacher pa to see Mike Dolan, but the young sweethearts had whispered their vow to someday be man and wife. Then a cruel betrayal tore them apart and left Letty on a windswept Midwestern farm to raise their son alone. Struggling to build a future over the years, she learned to harden her heart to desire . . . until big, dark-haired Mike marched into town, looking for his woman and his dream--and ready to fight the world to have her in his arms again.

Shay was the raven-haired beauty the Falconer brothers called Gypsy. The four men each found her irresistible. But it was Lyon Falconer who claimed her - when he didn't have the right - and sealed her fate.
And it was Ricky, the youngest Falconer, who picked up the fragments of Shay's shattered life and married her out of love. Only now, with her husband's death, destiny hurled Shay back within Lyon's reach.
It was the moment he'd been waiting for - a final chance to prove that Shay had always been - always would be - HIS Gypsy!
Found you through the Blogger Hop--happy Friday!
Well, I've always meant to read some Amanda Quick, but the second book has a protagonist named /Letty Pringle/ which sounds like a snack food, so who could resist that?
-Tiger http://tigersallconsumingbooks.blogspot.com
Based on the covers (coz that's usually what I see first), I'd go with Amanda Quick's Rendezvous. However, based on the blurbs I'd got with Dorothy Garlock's Ribbon in the Sky. Hope that helps!
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