Do you read book reviews? Do you let them change your mind about reading/not reading a particular book?
I read reviews, especially if its an author I've never read before. I have to say that there are places I won't read reviews. I've never been keen on places like Amazon for reviews because a great deal of the time, the writers always seem to be out to get attention in either their favoring of the book or dissing. I prefer to read reviews on book blogs, because they seem to be more honest.
There isn't a review that would make me not read a book if I really wanted to, basically because everyone takes away a different impression of a book. Writing is art, and just like people will have different perceptions of a painting, people will have different perceptions of a book. I've seen some of my favorite books get low marks on Goodreads and some books I can't stand get high ones. It is all a matter of perception.
I agree with you. Reviews are very subjective. I read them occasionaly just to get an idea what the book is about, but just because a book is rated low or high won't affect me much.
Amazon is definitely touch-and-go for reviews. Some people post on their just to be jerks. My BTT is at The Crowded Leaf.
I agree with you also. I do think Amazon is great on the recommendations they send you though, specific to what you rate adn buy from them.
Here is mine
I read reviews but I form my own opinions. Here's mine
I also don't rely on Goodreads for reviews. I tend to go with the blogs, but nothing could stop me from reading my favorite author as well.
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