How it Works
1. Follow all 4 hostesses above, then as many other blogs as you would like (Be Sure To Comment So We Know Who/Where To Follow Back) .
2. Add your blog to the list (only have to add once ). *NOT YOUR BLOG HOP
3. Grab our button and the link code to post on your blog.
4. After you follow a new blog make sure you leave them a comment letting them know that you are now a follower so that they can follow you back, and please follow others back if they leave you a comment that they follow you.
5. We would love for you to help spread the word by creating a Follow Me Back Tuesday Blog Post. It will certainly help spread the word faster, which will lead to more blog followers!
***Please link directly to your Follow Me Back Tuesday Post. Links that lead directly to your personal blog hop will not be accepted and will be deleted.***
The code will be available every Tuesday at 12:00 a.m (EST) on all 4 hostesses blogs
Hi! I am following you from Follow Me Back Tuesday! I host reviews/giveaways and blog about life/gardening/recipes/family here:
Hope you have a great week!
Chicks who read are hot!! Happy FMBT! I'm your latest blog stalker!
Hey! I am a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. I am addicted to books too! I will be back.
Hi there, following from FMBT, hope you can return the love back. Oh you may join the giveaway if you have time.
I read too... a lot! I'm following you from FMBT. DO pop by by place as well..:)
Thanks for linking up with Follow Me Back Tuesday. I am following you back. I hope you will join us again next week! :)
I am your newest follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. Thank you for following me too. :)
Have a great week.
Best wishes,
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