My mailbox was empty this week, though I am waiting on a book I won at the end of May in a contest.
My purchases were mostly at the Goodwill store and one book from Target. I'm quite happy that I got the Emilie Richards, as it was a recent add to my wishlist. The book I bought at Target was The Devil's Queen. However The Wednesday Letters was my find of the week! I've been putting off buying that one since it came off the list at BOMC2, so imagine my surprise when I find a copy at Goodwill for $1.99!! How awesome is that?
Goodwill has some good reads! And so cheap! That's great you got some good deals!
You have a super cute blog :)
Great mailbox!
I love love love Goodwill. There has been several times recently that i found GREAT books there... ones that I was looking for and really wanting!! I love when that happens and esp at a 1.99!! Enjoy your reads!
Nice books. Love the cover of The Wednesday Letters. Thanks for visiting mine at The Crowded Leaf.
I have been wanting to read The Devil's Queen for awhile.
You have to read The Wednesday Letters like NOW! I love that book!
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