Friday, March 26, 2010

My Vampire Rant Continues

Why is Twilight suddenly the standard by which all vampire novels should be judged? I hate to tell the fans of that rather poorly written series this, but there is a lot better out there.

I get even more annoyed when I see people say stuff like this "What is your preferred species, for paranormal fans? (Team Edward? Team Jacob? LOL)"

Even if it is followed by a LOL, NO NO NO.

I want to shout at the top of my lungs Team Lestat!


Anything but those two characters that make vampires look pathetic and werewolves like wussies!

I miss the days when vampires weren't such a romantic character. I liked when they were evil. I would be so thrilled if another paranormal creature were to take the spotlight, because I absolutely hate how vampires have become the "in" thing, in paranormal creatures.


1. Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Actually, I MUCH prefer Team Eric. I've loved the Sookie Stackhouse novels for such a long time. I was ahead of the "True Blood" curve.

2. The Mistress of the Dark said...

I love Harris' books too. I particularly lover her other mystery series.

3. The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'll take Team Eric too. The Sookie books are fantastic. Actually I love Charleine's other mystery series too.

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